     Kwong Fat is a premier-quality full-service book manufacturer.Our flexible and wide-ranging capabilities allow us to address any set of physical specifications to make your book efficiently and economically.We excel producing titles where exquisite color reproduction is critical-art and photography,cooking,"coffee-table","gift",nature,medical and presentation books.Our juvenile books exhibit the intense exciting color saturation that delights young readers.Our case,mechanical and paperback bindings are elegant and sturdy.
     But "conventional"books are not all we make at Kwong Fat.We are a major source of desk and wall calendars,postcards,diaries,stationery,playing cards,photo albums,miniatures and catalogs.Together with our extensive resource-network of support suppliers we offer a broad array of exciting and innovative products that supplements our unsurpassed "ink-on-paper" capabilities.Our "non-print" expertise extends to "cute and cuddly" plush toys,high-quality plastic,wooden and ceramic gift and novelty items,souvenirs and packaging of all kinds.
     Our customers include many of the most respected, well known and prestigious publishers,museums,catalogers,and merchandisers in the US,Europe and Asia
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