
Zhongshan Xinya specializes in manufacturing refrigeration equipments.Our high quality refrigerators serve a broad range of commercial purposes.
We possess advanced production faculties and precise handcraft,and we make sure all of our products are well tested.Our products comply with CE standard.We have exported to ASEAN,Australia,Middle-east and Europe markets.Our specialized refrigerators supplies to McDonalds,IKED,Papa John's,2010 Shanghai World Expo and a number of rapid growing domestic chain restaurants.
Currently the food equipment market upheld customer experience,our company have invested to open a professional product line on refrigerated display cases.Our refrigerators are no longer contributing behind the wall,but assist in boosting the sales by attracting customers with their bright,clean and transparent appearances.
Xinya has been regarded by our long term customers as reliable and flexble supplier.We are strong  at tailor made showcases and specialized refrigerators.Please feel free to talk with our specialist,we are gald to share our experience and provide tailor made solution to you.

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