Die casting

Plastic molding classification:
Forging: in cold worked or work under high temperature condition with a hammer and extrusion method for metal style, is one of the most simple metal molding process is the most ancient.
Tie: the high temperature metal billets after several continuous cylindrical roller, the roller will bound metal into a mould to obtain the preset shape.
Drawing in wire: wire drawingScrew,Die casting, die by using a series of specifications gradually smaller of the metal strip is drawn into the process of fine filaments.
Extrusion: a low cost for continuous processing, metal electrical appliance fittings processing, cabinet hardware accessories, sports equipment, hardware accessories, with the same cross section shape, solid or hollow metal molding process, can be high temperature operation can also be cold processing.
Impact extrusion process for machining taper: no chimney requirements of small to medium-sized specifications of parts. Rapid production, processing all kinds of wall thickness of parts. The processing cost is low.

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