PVC material
    PVC material that is PVC, it is one of the world's largest production of plastic products, the price is cheap, widely used, PVC resin is white or light yellow powder, can not be used alone, it must be modified. PVC is a white powder with no setting structure, and the degree of branching is small, and the stability of light and heat is poor. According to different uses can be added to different additives, PVC plastic can be presented with different physical and mechanical properties. In the polyvinyl chloride resin by adding the appropriate amount of plasticizer, can be made into a variety of hard, soft and transparent products.
    PVC, the full name is Polyvinylchloride, the main ingredient is polyvinyl chloride, addition of other ingredients to enhance its heat resistance, toughness, ductility, etc.. This surface of the top layer of the film is painted, the main ingredient is PVC, the bottom is the back of the adhesive. It is a kind of synthetic material, which is popular in the world and is widely used. Its global usage is high in all kinds of synthetic materials second. According to statistics, only in 1995 a year, PVC production in Europe is about five million tons, and its consumption is five million three hundred thousand tons. In Germany, PVC production and consumption of an average of one million four hundred thousand tons. PVC is being produced and applied in the world with a 4% growth rate. PVC growth rate in Southeast Asia is particularly significant, thanks to Southeast Asian countries have to carry out the urgent need for infrastructure construction. PVC is the most suitable material for the production of 3D surface film.  Modern mold manufacturing,injection molding enterprises
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