Keithley 2611A回收、Keithley 2611A收购

Keithley 2611A回收、Keithley 2611A收购

长期回收二手仪器/收购二手仪器/二手仪器公司/收购 回收电子仪器/收购工厂设备!

手机: 陈R 135-4933-6060   彭S 133-7860-4435
电 话:0769-82134961      QQ在线:742002535
阿里旺旺/chenweipin1987   邮箱:sally000@
网址: http:///xiugai.htm   

(Keithley 2611A回收)型号 2601A 2611A 
(Keithley 2611A回收)2602A 2612A 
(Keithley 2611A回收)描述 可扩展,高通量 高压和脉冲输出 
(Keithley 2611A回收)电流source/sink 是 是 
(Keithley 2611A回收)电压source/sink 是 是 
(Keithley 2611A回收)输出功率 40.4W/CH 30.4W/CH 
(Keithley 2611A回收)输出电压(min./max.) ±1μV/±40.4V/CH ±1μV/±202V/CH 
(Keithley 2611A回收)输出电流(min./max.) ±1pA/ ±1pA/ 
(Keithley 2611A回收)±3.03A DC和脉冲 ±1.5A DC和脉冲 
(Keithley 2611A回收)或10A脉冲/CH 或10A脉冲/CH 
(Keithley 2611A回收)基本精度I 0.02% 0.02% 
(Keithley 2611A回收)基本精度V 0.015% 0.015% 
(Keithley 2611A回收)典型应用 I-V功能测试和特性分析, 
(Keithley 2611A回收)晶圆级可靠性测试, 
(Keithley 2611A回收)测试集成电路如RFIC、ASIC、SOC, 
(Keithley 2611A回收)测试光电器件如LED、VCSEL和显示器, 
(Keithley 2611A回收)测试纳米材料和器件。


Keithley 2601A回收数字源表
Keithley 2602A回收数字源表
Keithley 2611A回收数字源表
Keithley 2612A回收数字源表
Keithley 2635A回收数字源表
Keithley 2636A回收数字源表
Keithley 2651A回收数字源表

 2600 a series of characteristics
Perform the parallel test, to gain unparalleled throughput
20000 readings per second faster test time and ability, the transient performance capture device
Series of products provide a wide dynamic range: fa ~ 10 1 a and 1 (including V ~ 200 V
The TSP - Link bus supports up to 32 units per GPIB or IP address / 64 channels of extension
Test script processor (TSP) with extremely high system automation in instrument perform complete testing program (script)
USB port is used to save data and test scripts
LXI Class C compatibility to provide high-speed data transmission and implement quickly and remote testing, monitoring, and line fault


Keithley 2611A回收、Keithley 2611A收购

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