大量收购FLUKE 5700A二手回收
福绿克FLUKE 5700A回收校准仪:陈卫平13549336060[微信同号]QQ:742002535
福绿克FLUKE 5700A回收校准仪:陈卫平13549336060[微信同号]QQ:742002535
联系人: 陈R
Q Q:742002535
长期低价出售/高价回收进口电子仪器:手机综合测试仪Agilent HP,蓝牙测试仪,网络分析仪Agilent HP,频谱分析仪Agilent/HP,信号源Agilent HP信号发生器,示波器,功率计Agilent,频率计Agilent/HP,LCR电桥Agilent HP,电源,数据采集仪Agilent/HP,噪声系数分析仪Agilent/HP,多用表校准仪FLUKE,万用表Agilent /HP,天馈线测试仪Anritsu/安立,温度记录仪,色彩分析仪,光波测量系统Agilent HP ,阻抗测试治具及附件,衰减器Agilent/HP,Agilent/HP E5515C板等仪器,欢迎您的来电咨询!
5700A系列的多功能校正器是目前全球电量实验室的标准配备,5720A可校正 8 1/2高精度数位电表、5700A可校正7 1/2高精度数位电表、如果您希望将现有的5700A提升性能只需选购5700/EP,便可将您的5700A规格提升至5720A的规格, 您可下载详细规格,99%的信心水平(confidence levels)是Fluke公司较惯用的规格, 详细规格中亦有国际上建议使用的95%信心水平的规格供您参考。Fluke公司的5700系列多功能校正器皆内建10V的直流电压参考标准及1W、10 kW 的电阻参考标准,与内部精密的分压器(Divider)、交流/直流转换标准及零点探测器(Null Detector)便可使用外部的标准电池及电阻标准件校正5700系列多功能校正器完整的功能及规格,所需耗费的校正时间仅需一小时,相较于传统的校正方式可节省相当多的时间,此校正方式称为Artifact Calibration,目前服役中的5700系列多功能校正器有上千台的5700使用Artifact Calibration的方式进行仪器本身的校正工作,节省的
Multifunction calibrator 5700A series is currently the world's electricity laboratory standard with 5720A correction of 8 1/2 high precision digital multimeter, 5700A can correct 7 1/2 high precision digital meter, if you want to improve the performance of existing 5700A only need to buy 5700/EP, it will be your 5700A specification to 5720A specification, you can download the detailed specifications, 99% confidence level (confidence levels) is Fluke's more usual specifications, detailed specifications are also internationally recommended 95% confidence level specifications for your reference. Resistance of the reference standard 5700 series multifunction calibrator of Fluke company is built in 10V and 1W, the reference standard DC voltage of 10 kW, and the internal precision divider (Divider), AC / DC conversion standard and zero detector (Null Detector) can use external standard battery and resistance standard calibration 5700 a series of multifunctional corrector complete functions and specifications required to spend only one hour time correction correction, compared to the traditional way can save considerable time, this correction is called Artifact Calibration, the current 5700 series multifunction calibrator in service 5700 1000 Taiwan using Artifact Calibration for correction the work of the instrument itself, save the
Not just time but also the cost of correction.
大量收购FLUKE 5700A二手回收