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To meet the required performance, affordable price

TDS3000C 系列数字荧光示波器 (DPO) 的性能能够满足您的需要,而且价格经济实惠。带宽范围为 100 MHz 至 500 MHz,取样速率高达 5 GS/s,可xx地呈现信号。
TDS3000C series digital phosphor oscilloscope (DPO) performance can meet your needs, but also affordable price. Bandwidth range from 100 MHz to 500 MHz, the sampling rate of up to 5 GS/s, can accurately show the signal.

DPO 可更深入地洞察复杂信号
DPO deeper insight into the complex signal

若要解决问题,首先需要发现问题。TDS3000C 系列同时实现了 3600 wfms/s 的连续波形捕获速率和实时辉度等级,因此您可以发现问题并予以解决。
To solve the problem, first of all need to find the problem. TDS3000C series at the same time, realizes continuous wave 3600 wfms/s capture rate and real-time luminance level, so you can discover problems and solve.

The continuous and fast waveform capture rate helps by quickly found the root causes of failure to save time, so it can be applied to fault isolate advanced trigger.

Real time brightness level highlighted the signal activity with historical records, more convenient to understand the captured waveforms. Different from similar oscilloscope, even after the acquisition behavior, history still retain.

使用 DRT 取样技术和 SIN(X)/X 内插,快速调试和表征信号
The use of DRT sampling technology and SIN (X) /X interpolation, fast commissioning and characterization of signal

TDS3000C 系列结合了独有的数字实时 (DRT) 取样技术和 sin(x)/x 内插,可同时表征所有通道上的各种信号类型。与其他同类示波器不同,当打开其他通道时,TDS3000C 系列的取样速率不发生变化。利用此取样技术,可以捕获同类的其他示波器捕获不到的高频信息,如毛刺和边沿异常,而 sin(x)/x 内插则可以确保xx重组每个波形。
TDS3000C series combines a unique digital real-time (DRT) sampling technology and sin (x) /x interpolation, various signal types can be simultaneously represented on all channels. Unlike other similar oscilloscope, when open the other channels, sampling rate of TDS3000C series does not change. The use of this sampling technique, can the frequency information of other oscilloscope capture to capture similar, such as deburring and edge anomalies, and sin (x) /x interpolation can ensure accurate recombination each waveform.


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