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为正确分析信号,必需确保能够足够详细地看到信号。 TBS1000B-EDU 标配 7 英寸高清 TFT 显示器,可以清楚地查看所有信号及关键屏幕信息。 屡获大奖的泰克 MDO/DPO 系列仪器开创的用户界面,则进一步增强了这一仪器。 用户界面使用方便,可以快速进入所有示波器功能,包括高清"Pan & Zoom"(卷动和缩放)功能,其分辨率{zg}可达正常分辨率的10倍,可以查看更多的信号细节。
由于高达 200 MHz 的带宽、2 GS/s 的{zd0}采样率和 3% 的垂直测量精度,TBS1000B-EDU 可以查看信号细节。 由于泰克专有的采样率,您可以一直在所有通道上,不折不扣地获得声称的实时采样率,支持{zd1} 10 倍过采样率。 在改变水平设置或使用多条通道时,采样性能不会下降,您可以查看信号的真实特点。
TBS1000B-EDU 示波器使得学生能够学习高级触发,用来调试当今复杂电路。 标配上升沿或下降沿、脉宽和视频触发设置允许学生迅速隔离关心的信号,使用灵活的触发设置菜单考察其它触发选项。
For the correct analysis of signal, must ensure that enough detail to see signal. The TBS1000B-EDU comes standard with 7 inch high-definition TFT display, can clearly see all signal and key information on screen. The Tektronix MDO/DPO series instrument award-winning create user interface, further enhanced the instrument. The user interface is easy to use, can quickly access all oscilloscope function, including HD "Pan & Zoom" (scrolling and zoom function), 10 times the highest resolution can reach the normal resolution, you can view the details of signal more.


Due to the high bandwidth up to 200 MHz, maximum sampling rate of 2 GS/s and 3% vertical measurement accuracy, TBS1000B-EDU can view the details of signal. Due to the sampling rate of Tektronix proprietary, you can always on all channels, access to real-time sampling rate of hundred-percent claimed, support for the minimum 10 times oversampling rate. Changes in the level set or the use of multiple channels, sampling performance does not decline, you can actually see the signal characteristics.


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