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长期销售/回收二手仪器仪表:二手示波器、二手频谱分析仪、逻辑分析仪、晶体管图示仪、无线电综测仪、合成信号源、函数信号源、扫频仪、耐压测试仪、全新频率计、交/直流稳压电源、毫伏表、场强仪、热风强等各种仪器 。公司备有各种高、中、低档国产进口仪器。
TDS2000C and TDS1000C-EDU Series
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Service Manual
This service manual provides information to verify performance of, calibrate, troubleshoot, disassemble, and replace parts on TDS2000C and TDS1000C-EDU Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes.
TDS2000C 数字存储示波器系列设计紧凑,xxx高。 TDS2000C 系列示波器集各种标准功能于一身,包括 USB 连接、16 种自动化测量、极限测试、数据记录和上下文相关帮助,助您事半功倍。
TDS2000C series digital storage oscilloscope design is compact, high performance price ratio. TDS2000C series oscilloscope set all kinds of standard functions, including the USB connection, 16 kinds of automatic measurement, limit testing, data recording and context sensitive help, help you multiplied.
The main performance index
200 MHz、100 MHz、70 MHz、50 MHz 带宽模式
200 MHz, 100 MHz, 70 MHz, 50 MHz bandwidth mode
2 通道和 4 通道型号
2 channel and 4 channel models
所有通道均实现高达 2 GS/s 的采样速率
All channels are implemented sampling rates up to 2 GS/s
全部通道均实现 2.5k 点记录长度
All the channels to achieve 2.5k point record length
Advanced triggers, including pulse width trigger and selected for video trigger
The main features
16 个自动测量和 FFT 分析可简化波形分析
16 analysis of automatic measurement and FFT can simplify the waveform analysis
The ultimate test of built-in waveform
Data recording function, extended automation
Automatic setting and automatic signal range
Context sensitive help built-in
Probe the wizard
11 种语言用户界面
11 kinds of language user interface
144 毫米(5.7 英寸)有源 TFT 彩色显示器
144 mm (5.7 inch) active TFT color display
体型小,重量轻 - 仅 124 毫米(4.9 英寸)厚,重 2 千克(4.4 磅)
Small size, light weight - only 124 mm (4.9 inch) thick, weighs 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds)
前面板配有 USB 2.0 主控端口,存储数据便捷
The front panel is equipped with USB port 2 main control, data storage and convenient
后面板上有 USB 2.0 设备端口,可用于轻松连接 PC 或直接打印到 PictBridge? 兼容打印机
USB 2 equipment port on the rear panel, can be used to connect to your PC or print directly to the PictBridge from a compatible printer