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泰克深知,从原型通电到生产测试,工程师在整个设计周期都要依赖示波器。 DPO7000 系列示波器的独特功能与杰出的信号采集性能和分析功能相结合,让您加速完成测量任务。
Tektronix know, electricity production from prototype to test, the engineer must rely on the oscilloscope throughout the design cycle. The unique features of the DPO7000 series oscillograph and outstanding performance and function analysis of signal acquisition and combination, allowing you to complete the task of measuring acceleration.
The main performance index
3.5 GHz、2.5 GHz、1 GHz、500 MHz 多种带宽型号
3.5 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 1 GHz, 500 MHz of various bandwidth model
在一条通道上提供了高达 40 GS/s 的实时采样率,在两条通道上提供了 20GS/s 的实时采样率,在三或四条通道上提供了 10 GS/s 的实时采样率
In the passage provides real-time sampling rate as high as 40 GS/s, in the two passage provides real-time sampling rate of 20GS/s, in the three or four passage provides real-time sampling rate of 10 GS/s
MultiView Zoom? 技术,高达 500 M 点的记录长度
MultiView Zoom technology, the record length of up to 500 M points
FastAcq? 技术,>250,000 wfms/s 的{zd0}波形捕获速率
The FastAcq technology, the maximum >250000 wfms/s waveform capture rate
FastFrame? 分段存储采集模式,>310,000 波形/秒捕获速率
The FastFrame storage and collection mode segmentation, the waveform capture rate of >310000 / sec
The user can select the bandwidth limit filter to improve the low frequency measurement precision
The main features
Easy to use features
Pinpoint? 触发技术,提供了最灵活、性能{zg}的触发功能,支持 1400 多种组合,满足几乎任何触发情况
Pinpoint r trigger technology, provides the most flexible, the highest performance trigger function, support more than 1400 kinds of combination, meet almost any trigger condition
Visual trigger and search, accurately defined trigger, finding a unique event in a complex waveform
Advanced search and tag, search in the whole waveform specific events
MyScope? 定制窗口和鼠标右键菜单,实现杰出的效率
MyScope r customized windows and mouse right key menu, to achieve outstanding efficiency
53 种自动测量、波形直方图和 FFT 分析,简化波形分析工作
Analysis of 53 kinds of automatic measurement, waveform histogram and FFT, simplified waveform analysis work
TekVPI? 探头接口,支持有源探头、差分探头和电流探头,自动设定量程和单位
TekVPI r probe interface, support for active probe, difference and current probes, automatic setting range and units
12.1 英寸(307 毫米)高亮度 XGA 显示器,带触摸屏
The 12.1 inch (307 mm) Gao Liangdu XGA display with touch screen