回收DPO7054﹎╭To simplify the analysis of complex digital design
回收DPO7054﹎╭通过 DPO7000C 数字荧光示波器,您可以使用一台仪器模回收DPO7054﹎╭拟总线信号和数字总线信号,迅速找到和诊断复杂电路中的问题回收DPO7054﹎╭。 由于高达 3.5 GHz 的带宽及高达 40 GS/s 的采样率,您可回收DPO7054﹎╭以获得必要的性能,查看快速变化的信号细节。 DPO7000C 系回收DPO7054﹎╭列所有通道标配高达 25 M 点的深记录长度,在一条通道上可回收DPO7054﹎╭以选配高达 500M 点的记录长度,可以捕获长时间信号,同时回收DPO7054﹎╭保持精细的定时分辨率。
Through the DPO7000C digital phosphor oscilloscope, you can analyze the analog bus signal and digital bus signal using one instrument, quickly find and diagnose problems in complex circuit. Due to the sampling rate of up to 3.5 GHz and bandwidth of up to 40 GS/s, you can get the necessary performance, rapid changes in the signal details view. DPO7000C series deep records of all channel comes standard with up to 25 M bit length, record length in the passage can be selected up to 500M point, can capture long time signal, while maintaining a careful time resolution.
回收DPO7054﹎╭高级搜索和标记及 MultiView Zoom? 功能可以迅速查看波形,回收DPO7054﹎╭用户可以选配 15 种软件和常用技术包,完成深入回收DPO7054﹎╭析任务。由于这些特点,泰克 DPO7000C 系列为您简化和加快回收DPO7054﹎╭复杂电路的调试工作提供了所需的多功能工具。
Advanced search and marker and MultiView Zoom function can quickly see the waveform analysis software package, the user can select 15 kinds of commonly used software and technology, in-depth analysis of the task completed. Because of these characteristics, Tektronix DPO7000C series multi function provides the tools you need to simplify and speed up the complex circuit debugging.
Perfect function, accelerate each debugging stage
回收DPO7054﹎╭从迅速发现和捕获异常事件,到搜索波形记录找到事件及事回收DPO7054﹎╭件特点和被测器件特征,DPO7000C 系列提供了一套强大的功能回收DPO7054﹎╭,加快了每一个电路调试阶段。
From the rapid discovery and capture abnormal events, to search the waveform record find events and event characteristics and analysis of measured device characteristics, the DPO7000C series provides a set of powerful function, accelerate the commissioning phase of each circuit.
回收DPO7054﹎╭如果想调试电路问题,首先必须知道存在问题。 每个设计工程回收DPO7054﹎╭师都要用大量的时间查找电路中的问题,如果没有合适的调试工回收DPO7054﹎╭具,这项任务耗时长、非常麻烦。
If you want to debug the circuit problem, you must first know the problems. Each design engineers to use the time to find a lot of problems in the circuit, if no suitable debugging tools, this task is time-consuming, troublesome.