




模式 说明
Model description
边沿 任何通道或前面板辅助输入上的正或负斜率。耦合包括DC, AC, 高频抑制, 低频抑制和噪声抑制。
The edge of any channel or front panel auxiliary input on the positive or negative slope. The coupling includes DC, AC, high frequency suppression, low-frequency suppression and noise suppression.
脉宽 在>、<、 =,、或特定时间周期的正脉冲或负脉宽上触发。
Pulse width in >, <, =,, or a particular time period or trigger negative pulse width on the positive pulse.
矮脉冲 当一个脉冲跨过一个门限但在再次跨过{dy}个门限前未能跨过第二个门限时触发。
Short pulse when a pulse crossed a threshold but in again crossed the first threshold before not crossed the second threshold to trigger.
逻辑 在通道的任何逻辑码型变成假时或在指定时间内保持为真时触发采集。可以使用任何输入作为时钟,寻找时钟边沿上的码型。四条输入通道指定的码型(AND, OR, NAND, NOR)定义为高、低或无所谓。
Logic channel logic code in any type into a false or trigger acquisition remains true in the specified period of time. You can use any input as a clock, looking for code on clock edge. The four input channels specified code (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) defined as high, low or no.
建立时间/ 保持时间 当任意两条输入通道中存在的时钟和数据之间的建立时间和保持时间超过门限时触发.
The establishment of time / hold time when exists between any two input channel clock and data setup time and hold time triggered exceeds a threshold.
上升/ 下降时间 在脉冲边沿速率快于或慢于指定值时触发采集。斜率可以是正、负或任意。
Rise / fall time in pulse edge rate faster or slower than the specified value trigger acquisition. Slope can be positive, negative or any.
视频 NTSC, PAL 和SECAM 视频信号所有行、奇数、偶数或所有场上触发。
Video NTSC, PAL and SECAM video signal line, all the odd, even or all field trigger.
I2C (选配) 在高达3.4 Mb/s 的 I2C 总线上的开始, 重复开始, 停止, ACK 丢失, 地址(7 位或10 位), 数据或地址和数据上触发采集。
I2C (optional) began, at up to 3.4 Mb/s on the I2C bus stop, repetition of the beginning, ACK is missing, the address (7 or 10), the trigger data acquisition or address and data.
SPI (选配) 在高达10.0 Mb/s 的SPI 总线(仅适用于4 通道型号)上的SS, MOSI, MISO 或MOSI 和MISO 上触发采集。
SPI (optional) at up to 10 Mb/s SPI bus (only for 4 channel model) on SS, MOSI, MISO or MOSI and MISO trigger acquisition.
CAN (选配) 在高达1 Mb/s 的CAN 信号上的帧开始、帧类型(数据, 远程, 错误, 过载), 识别符(标准或扩展), 数据, 标识 符和数据, 帧尾或ACK丢失时触发采集。可以进一步指定数据,在 ≤、=、≥、或 ≠ 特定数据值时触发采集。用户可以调节的样点在默认状态下设为50%。
CAN (optional) in CAN signals up to 1 Mb/s on the start of frame, frame type (data, long-range, error, overload), identifier (standard or extended), data identifier and data, acquisition trigger frame tail or ACK loss. Can further specify the data in more than, or =, =, specific data value trigger acquisition. The user can adjust the sampling points in the default state consists of 50%.
RS-232/422/485/UART (选配) 触发Tx 开始位、Rx 开始位、Tx 包尾、Rx 包尾、Tx 数据、Rx 数据、Tx 奇偶性错误和Rx 奇偶性错误。
RS-232/422/485/UART (optional) start Tx, Rx start bit, Tx packet, Rx packet tail tail, Tx data, Rx data, Tx parity error and Rx parity error.
LIN (选配) 触发同步、标识符、数据、标识和数据、唤醒帧、睡眠帧、误码(如同步错误、奇偶性错误或校验和错误)。
LIN (optional) triggers the synchronization identifier, data, identification and data, wake up, sleep frame, frame error (such as the synchronization error, parity error or checksum error).
并行(仅在MSO型号上提供) 触发并行总线数据值。
Parallel (available only on MSO models) trigger parallel bus data value.


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