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Choose one of the 120challenges in the game guide.
Pick the tiles you need and stack tkem up ,one by one,in the tiles display holder.Dont’t forget!You need to think about the shape,colour and the order of he tiles ,as well as which way around they need to be in the tile display holder.
A:? You can only place tiles face up.
B:? In some challenges you’ll also need to use the white base of the tile holder to complete your composition.
C:? Different tiles with same-colour shapes can be combined to create a new form as each colour appears on two different tiles.Meanwhile,white-coloured shapes combined with the white base can also creat a new form.Think laterally when you look at your challenge to figure out exactly which combinations you need.
3. When your composition matches the challenge exactly you’ve cracked it!Check the solutions at the back of the game guide if you want.