

捷升玩具有限公司是一个市场涵盖中国大陆,欧美,南美洲,东南亚及中东,以玩具贸易为主导的外向型企业. 公司历史悠久,地处有"中国玩具礼品城"之称的广东内外客户提供质量xxx善的玩具进出口业务,如您对本公司的任何产品感兴趣,请随时来电来函询问及来公司洽谈,我们将本着为客户(合作伙伴)"创作利润"的思想,以最合理的价格为您提供细微入致的服务.省汕头市澄海区,公司专营各类玩具,产品质量优良,种类丰富 公司本着"诚实经营,信誉至上,质量{dy}"为宗旨,{gx}利用各种快捷供求信息,注重于海内外市场的开拓,为海 Our company also one of the leading plastic toys manufacturer and exporter in Chenghai. Most of our products are sold to overseas customers from Asia, Europe and America ect. Because of workable price, good quality and superior service.If you have any inquire,pls send the email to me.we sincerely hope to make a good cooperation with you in the coming soon!