武汉凯贸服装有限公司是一家专业生产外贸迷彩服、作训服、以及配套小兵帽,八角帽,圆边帽,棒球帽,外贸迷彩T恤 ,执勤服,保安服等一系列产品的厂家,经过多年的发展和壮大,目前员工已有500多人,多种进口设备(包括埋夹机、链式机、558风眼机、5486夹筋机、{wn}锈花机、挑边机、压衬机,飞马包缝机,1850打结机,980、372钉扣机,大白扣机,1404像筋机,814、781锁眼机,1162、515双针机、翻领机、断布机、粘衬机、切条机、带锯机、裁剪机、西德烫台、蒸汽发生器等2000余台。)公司一直秉承“质量是产品的生命,信誉是企业的灵魂”,公司领导在生产上对员工要求“一点一滴,精益求精”,在管理上严格执行“整理、整顿、清洁、清扫、安全5S标准”公司产品的质量、实力和信誉已经获得业界的普遍认可和好评。产品已远销日本,韩国,南美,中东,非洲,东欧等国家,公司中的发展离不开我们客户的关心和支持,欢迎各界商友来电来函洽谈业务。联系人:许先生 电话:15972060588
Wuhan Camo uniform Co.,Ltd which has almost 10 years of history of producing the military uniform. It is a professional manufacturer and supplier of various military uniforms/attire,camouflage ,and fatigues.The production capacity is more than 1 million sets per annual year The high-quality products are produced by experienced seamstresses The materials are amixed-blend of polyester and cotton The fabric patterns include twill weave and rip-stop weave .Each piece is rip resistant ,durable ,comfortable and protecture.Our products are popular in Africa ,Japan , Southeast Asia ,South America and the Middle-east Our clients think highly of our products.Please contact James if you are interested in the products. Tel: 86+15972060588,QQ:407527508 skpye::james1980168