广州市联特电子科技有限公司始建于2000年(2003年更名为广州市联特电子科技有限公司),是最早开发、生产电压力锅、空气净化器、电饭锅、电磁炉、取暖器、商用咖啡机、电磁阀等产品控制器的厂家之一。公司由专业从事家电软件开发的广州市联捷科技有限公司伊始,已发展成为相当规模和超强实力的专业研发、生产、销售各类家电控制器、设备及仪器控制器的高科技电子企业。<BR> 公司拥有现代化的的厂房4500平方米,拥有AI、SMT等自动设备,以及众多的检测设备,生产技术人员200多人,年生产各类家电及设备控制器能力达300万套。公司通过ISO9000质量体系认证,产品可满足CCC、UL、GS 、CUL、CSA认证标准及ROHS、WEEE环保标准。广州联特以雄厚强劲的技术研发能力,严谨先进的管理体制和质保体系,成熟完善的生产工艺,使产品在同行业中处于{lx1}地位。<BR> 公司拥有一批家电及工业控制器设计开发领域的高级技术人才和专家,曾获得省、市级科技奖,并取得多项实用新型专利,保证技术{lx1}超前。产品覆盖家电控制器的各个领域,在多个产品上具有一定优势,是美的、创迪、格兰仕、洛贝、欧宁、鸿智、欧科等xxxx的配套供应商,市场网络以珠三角地区为核心,在行业内拥有一定的美誉度和信任度。
Brief Introduction of Company<BR>Liante Electric Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd, founded by Lianjie Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd, in 2000, specializes in designing, developing and producing electric appliance controls. Liante is one of the few earliest funded companies which produce controls of pressure vessel, induction cooker, heater and other electric appliances.
Since started business with software development of household electric appliance in 2000, Liante is growing up rapidly. The company has now 4500 square meters floor areas and nearly 200 engineers and technicians, and has yearly production capacity of 3million units of all kinds of appliance control. Liante has obtained ISO9000 certificate, all its products meet the standards of CCC、EMC、UL、CUL、GS、CSA and the environmental regulations of ROHS、WEEE. Qualified staff of engineer and technical persons, advanced technology, efficient management system and consummate quality system is ensuring the products from Liante lead ahead of domestic line