Classification of water tobacco pot

      Currently on the market can be seen everywhere in the water pipe type is a glass of water bottles, the reason is the most common reason is that water glass bottles, glass bottle of water is easy to clean, water glass Snuff Bottle in the light sparkling under the extremely beautiful, very high appreciation value. The Arabia hookah produced by our royal smoking set is unique and unique. It is more exquisite than the water bottle in the market. 

           The glass of water bottles can be divided into four categories: monochrome, color glass glass water pipe water pipe, water pipe and casing glass glass tire painting enamel snuff bottle.   

         These four kinds of monochrome glass water sacks are the earliest varieties in glass sacks. According to the current view, there are many kinds of white, powder, red, yellow, purple, blue and black, each color, different times of different burning people have the difference in color and lustre, but also transparent, opaque and translucent.   

         At present, the quantity of glass water bottles is very large, and their forms, colors and decorations are very different. If the quality area is divided, it can be divided into three categories: transparent glass, translucent glass and opaque "Nirvana glass". But in the process of making glass bottles in the three kinds of glass often use "color" and "color" techniques of mixed use products formed in different poses and with different expressions.

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